I give you details.

clara dominique.

I give you audio candy.

love comes again; tiesto
touch me; tiesto
ooh la lishious; jaymen
yeah yeah; bodyrox ft. luciana
perfect exceeder; mason vs. princess superstar
love don't let me go; david guetta vs. the egg
it's too late; evermore
les djinns (trentemoller remix); djuma soundsystem
elektro; outwork ft. mr gee
moving too fast; supafly inc.
world hold on; bob sinclair

I give you friends.

azy cousin bran cousin chris faezah gwen germaine hayley ishak iylia joleen jeremy lesley mabel mahendren nenghui raihan sheryl starhubsms trent

I give you a space to bitch.

I give you the past.

December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I like so blogged at; 7:46 AM

i hate school.
i also hate the sun.
i hate how last year it would be dead sunny in school with lack of shelter.
(like as if the sun never came out in it's life)
i hate how this year, it pours everyday.
(like as if my havainas have grip)
i hate how ALL my friends including J love going to beach.
i hate having headaches from the glare-y sun.
i hate being tan, fair suits me.
i hate the beach because you need to have a sexy frame.

but today, i decided to brave through the heat and beach with neng, lorraine and J.
so much for braving, i hurried to cafe del mar for much shelter and a jelly cocktail.

I like so blogged at; 7:46 AM

Monday, January 29, 2007

i think a week ago, we decided to do something close to jack-ass.
we put two boys on the top of a bonet of a honda civic and drove around an empty carpark.
obviously girls first, but aren't like girls, we didn't scream or get hurt.
(we're wonderwomen lah huh?)
the boys, were the total opposite due to the screaming and yes, andrew getting hurt.
maybe i did go a teeeed bit faster than they did for neng and i.
but bearing in mind, the boys played with the window washing liquid, you know the one where water squirts out in front?
so i got my punishment too, scalded by hot water from the engine.
oh, due to a little miscommunication between reza and i, we scared them the wrong way.
(notice when the window wipers went up, it gave andrew more than a fright, he actually let both hands of the car)

I like so blogged at; 10:00 PM

Sunday, January 28, 2007

i want to change, to rearrange
what is going on.
i need to change, i need to play
like a five year old .

i can't detach from the past and all of the pain,
i need to learn, start from scratch begin again.

throw away yesterday,
today is a brand new day.

so i'm going to eat one hundred sweets,
i don't care if i get fat.
and i'm going to speak one,
i won't censor me.
i know i can take nothing back.

and i'm going to jump, i will unburden.
i cannot go too deep.
i will not run from bad things i've done.
they're things i'll try not to repeat.

throw away yesterday,
today is a brand new day.

welcome to
the church of what's happening now
head straight through,
it costs nothing but change.

I like so blogged at; 9:52 PM

Thursday, January 25, 2007

macbooks, a library and four MINDS children.
(andrew and bryan were absent)

we're replicating javier's infamous default smile.

I like so blogged at; 7:44 AM

Monday, January 22, 2007


I like so blogged at; 7:20 AM

Saturday, January 20, 2007

reality hits, sheryl has left :(

these few days have been by far, "memories to last a lifetime".
(aiya, get my drift okay?)
and tomorrow, it's golfing with the guys.

i like long bus rides, but not when the duration hits an hour and twenty minutes.
(like seriously?)
i didn't get lost, it's just that i'm travelling from mid-west to what, somewhat the end of singapore.
they might as well have sengkang as an island on it's very own.
like, pulau sengkang.

before i hit the sheets, never have bryan looi(?) in your car.
godforsaken mutated kid.

I like so blogged at; 11:44 AM

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

peektures with the girl and boys.
what else, ghost hunting because that's all they do after 12.

the ballerina and charrrrrrrrrr.


drew and charrrrr.

i and charrrrr.

drew, bry, mark and reza.

mark and bry.

mark, i and drew.

I like so blogged at; 7:37 AM

Monday, January 15, 2007

javier, you are going to buy me that book we saw at borders, yes?
(i kinda forgot the title though, but far from vague, i remember the book cover)
i know my blog is getting a bit of a bore and slowly, the posts are "hen shao" lately.
part javier, part school.
but today, i will try to make it look word-y and length-y and random-y.
yes, i am still in dire need of getting a job to support my bankrupt-ass to bangkok.
"wo zhen de hen xu yao qian leh?"
but with the rate i'm going with my mobile bills, i'm far from bang-cocking.
next up, projectsprojectsprojects that kill you slowly.
then there's sheryl seah, who pisses me off the most by leaving me for aussie.
yes, you will get your degree and inbetween you can have krispy kreme, see bloody farm animals and blonde homosapiens.
(because all it takes is for me to do much bleeching)
but it itches me to know that i won't have anyone to maggie goreng or drink with me?
do you know how much that hurts!
i know you do because we still communicate in all ways possible, via the trusty computer.

alright, i need to return jav's four missed calls.
i'm done for.

I like so blogged at; 7:32 AM

Friday, January 12, 2007

school is RIDICULOUS.
i mean despite the fact that i do not have school on mondays, giving me ample time to complete the uncompleted.
with thursdays and fridays being my longest days.
no doubt the subjects for this sem is far from boring, we have clay, plaster and photography workshops.
i'm complaining because they seem to be far to lazy to print our project briefs anymore.
all the fuss starts when we have to download them ourselves.
one helluva hassle.
but school's been a-okay only because of the classmates and i have javier waiting for me to end class everyday, which is the sweetest.
imagine waiting 5 hours, jav did.
anyhow so, i'm in DIRE need of cash and in DIRE need to get through the next four months of school.
hummm with me, concentration and focus.
javier better be puttting me in place.

I like so blogged at; 11:23 PM

Friday, January 05, 2007

i like 2007, because it gave me javier.

I like so blogged at; 12:30 PM

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


NENG! doc, happy, dopey, sneezy, grumpy, sleepy, and bashful.

I like so blogged at; 7:51 AM

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

and javier is still over.
i have officially been without a wink of sleep for two straight days.
after tomorrow, i'll chiong to sleepers.

I like so blogged at; 9:35 AM

Monday, January 01, 2007

i am how bored.
javier is fast asleep on my bed and mind you, he is snoring helluva loud.
so i'm unable to upload peektures because.
i'll wait for the skin&bones to awake from slumber.

grey's anatomy will do some entertaining for now : (

I like so blogged at; 5:40 PM